- noun
1. a fashion or mode of dress, esp. of a distinctive, uniform kind: in the garb of a monk.
2. wearing apparel; clothes.
3. outward appearance or form.

1. style, cut. 2. clothing, dress, costume, attire.

Welcome to Garb!

This is the official blog of The Costume Company, based in Arlington, MA. On this blog you will find all manner of tidbits about the world of costuming, fashion throughout the ages, and special promotions happening at our store. Check back often for updates, new stories, and customer costume photos!

Best Regards,
The Costume Company Crew

Sunday, September 27, 2009

ARRRRlington Town Day!

The Costume Company's resident pirates, Sweaty Jack and Mad-Eye Marge, made an appearance at Arlington MA's 2009 Town Day. Like their costumes? They were garbed by The Costume Company!